Dorith C.: Weebill
Dorith C.: New Holland Honeyeater
Dorith C.: New Holland Honeyeater
Dorith C.: Weeds are good for something after all...
Dorith C.: Crimson Rosella
Dorith C.: New Holland Honeyeater
Dorith C.: White-plumed Honeyeater
Dorith C.: Striated Pardalote
Dorith C.: My Mistletoebird :)
Dorith C.: Mistletoebird
Dorith C.: Weebill
Dorith C.: Grumpy Weebill
Dorith C.: Shakin' the tailfeathers
Dorith C.: Mistletoebird (male)
Dorith C.: Mistletoebird (male)
Dorith C.: Musk Lorikeet
Dorith C.: Galah (juvenile)
Dorith C.: Galah (juvenile)
Dorith C.: Galah (juvenile)
Dorith C.: Galah (juvenile)
Dorith C.: Scarlet Robin (male)
Dorith C.: Brown-headed Honeyeater
Dorith C.: Eastern Spinebill
Dorith C.: What's this weird thing doing in my garden?
Dorith C.: Red Wattlebird
Dorith C.: Can we be friends?
Dorith C.: Weebill
Dorith C.: Oooo.... This looks like fun. Should we try it?
Dorith C.: Striated Thornbill
Dorith C.: Weebill