Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: White-bellied Mountaingem (Oreopyra hemileucus) feeding from flowers
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Striped Owl (Pseudoscops clamator) perched on branch
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Crowned Woodnymph (Thalurania colombica ) feeding from flower
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Volcano Hummingbird (Selasphorus flammula)
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Emerald Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus) perched on a branch
roberthoangnut: DSC_0205
roberthoangnut: DSC_0561
Megumi Nakamoto: DSC_3614
Megumi Nakamoto: DSC_4099
Megumi Nakamoto: DSC_4389
Megumi Nakamoto: DSC_4592
Megumi Nakamoto: DSC_6899
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Viewing Venetian Vistas II
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Viewing Venetian Vistas II
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Viewing Venetian Vistas II
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Viewing Venetian Vistas II
Estefania Almarte: Bengal Tiger
Pris WerSo: DSC_0865-Editar
bcshooter: 20150812-_DSC0687
bcshooter: _DSC2741
ScarletBlack: Arisarum proboscideum (Mouse Plant)
wmckenziephotography: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) Catch of the Day
wmckenziephotography: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) with Snack
wmckenziephotography: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
Majorimi: Christmas lights in Budapest
Jerry Fryer: Green Energy - Solar Powered Lighting
OR_U: There is no match for winter's cold
Kalderone: IMPURE