Lissie_dmc: Pinguin
Lissie_dmc: Brooklyn Bridge
Lissie_dmc: Manhattan
Lissie_dmc: New York, Manhattan Bridge
Lissie_dmc: Mount St. Helens USA
Rohdrygo: Salto Ventoso
Syahrel Azha Hashim: Friendly, are we? Trois Apôtres, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Notley Hawkins: Missouri River Sunset II
Amby2506: sun sets with its fame
karmajigme: Sukhothai
Javier Martin Espartosa 15copas: GUACAMAYOS ZOO DE MADRID 4560 2-8-2015
sixarqb: Summer
sixarqb: Summer
sixarqb: Summer
Miquel Salas EA6QN: Avelina _MG_9537psp72
Eric.....: Follow
Tobia Scandolara: Bridge to Fredvang
LalliSig: Hrefna & Kristian
Keris Tuah: ... the nanos | Sunrise
Ulysses Odyssey: The fork
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA Captures 'EPIC' Earth Image
Romain Vernoux: Playing with fire
Manuel ROMARIS: White-tailed eagle, Kushiro
Lior. L: And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light