donosborn: Used a trailer for the first time, two canoes at once and we all fit it one car.
donosborn: Jerry strapping his new kevlar canoe down tight.
donosborn: About to put in on Clearwater lake.
donosborn: First putting in, ready for first portage.
donosborn: Eric paddling
donosborn: We had grey skies in the forecast for the whole trip, so setting up the tarp was a priority.
donosborn: campsite West Pike lake.
donosborn: It was Eric's 40th Bday on our first night of the trip!
donosborn: Eric fishing from shore, West Pike lake.
donosborn: Tarp, fire, West Pike lake.
donosborn: Sauerkraut brats on first night, West Pike lake.
donosborn: Don at the campsite.
donosborn: blue cheese jalapeno brats. Whew.
donosborn: blue cheese jalapeno brats. Whew.
donosborn: Gray skies pretty much the whole 7 days.
donosborn: Mike swims.
donosborn: The logs in the water combined with rocks made for a tricky swim launch/land area. But the water was great.
donosborn: Jerry grabs breakfast.
donosborn: Breakfast tortillas.
donosborn: Fishing on West Pike lake.
donosborn: Looking back at West Pike lake campsite while fishing.
donosborn: Eric's one catch. It made for a fine snack.
donosborn: Three guys sawing wood.
donosborn: meatball stew, veggies, potatoes. yum.
donosborn: Taking it all in some afternoon.
donosborn: Eric goes in for a closer look.
donosborn: We brought two growlers than then doubled as fltered water storage.
donosborn: Stretch!
donosborn: We found a bunch of down cedar that made for great fires once there were enough coals.
donosborn: Eric and Don, canoe and tent mates.