donosborn: Peps Drafthouse the sausage and peperoni toss. Woodmans. Quite good, would get again.
donosborn: added couple storage containers for the records.
donosborn: added couple storage containers for the records.
donosborn: Evelyn's grad party badminton was a huge hit.
donosborn: Evelyn's grad party food
donosborn: Evelyn's grad party food set up, condiments for tacos, fruit, etc.
donosborn: Evelyn's grad party cupcakes by Jessica
donosborn: Katie helped with the set up. Red beans, black beans, chicken, fried plantains, rice, tortillas, chips.
donosborn: Evelyn's grad party side and front shelters. It rained heavily from about 3 to 4 (when the party was scheduled to start) but then stopped, so we were able to have it outside for pretty much the whole time.
donosborn: eggs benedict corned beef hash, Amery Family Restaurant
donosborn: coneflowers developing flowers now
donosborn: New Glarus Two Women lager write up
donosborn: Hefeweizen (will crop to cut out the log, ha).
donosborn: potato salad, Florentine recipe.
donosborn: North Star Pils, Torrefied rice sacks of malt
donosborn: veggie skewer grill up
donosborn: Osborn wood stove, soon to be removed and replaced.
donosborn: Brian working the splitter
donosborn: Dave and Mom and stove popcorn popper
donosborn: Anna and Brian
donosborn: Don, Brian, Dave, Paul at Evelyn's grad party
donosborn: Don and Brian at music in the park, Amery
donosborn: Osborn family on steps
donosborn: Mom, Gene and Dort at Crotteau reunion
donosborn: Osborn family on steps
donosborn: Dave and Brian helping with wood
donosborn: Katie, Dave, Anna at music in the park. a band called Viva Knievel was playing and they were excellent.
donosborn: Don, Brian and Aric in Osborn kitchen. We were inseparable as kids but now Brian has not seen Aric in 27 years. Aric lived in CA and Brian in LA. Aric moved back to Amery now and Bri was up for a visit.
donosborn: Anna, Brian, Dave, Don at Amery dam
donosborn: Brian, Don, Katie, Anna, Dave at Amery dam