donosborn: waiting in line
donosborn: waiting to get in. the line processed very quickly.
donosborn: Rob, Adam
donosborn: under the umbrella in the rain
donosborn: my cheat sheet I made ahead of time that helped me hit my "do not miss" beers
donosborn: Adam
donosborn: Heather, Mike
donosborn: Romantica
donosborn: Crispin Ciders. extra dry, and less dry, but so cold (served on ice) I couldn't really taste them.
donosborn: crowd
donosborn: clouds loom. it did start to rain towards the end of the day.
donosborn: South Shore
donosborn: Double Maibock and ? from South Shore (2nd one wasn't in program)
donosborn: Surly was out of the 3 rare ones when I got there.
donosborn: Barley Johns
donosborn: Crispin cider booth
donosborn: crowd
donosborn: tracking down Chad
donosborn: Uncle Franky's.
donosborn: crowd
donosborn: Herkimer Gose. Wonderful. Cross between a Wit and Berlinner Weiss. I might have to make one some day.
donosborn: PLENTY of port a johns, a nice fact.
donosborn: lining them up
donosborn: Sam Adams - vote for their next beer. the Pils was much better than the ale (ipa?)
donosborn: Southern Tier booth
donosborn: down and dirty
donosborn: Furthermore Three Feet Deep
donosborn: sweaty and hot, but happy.
donosborn: Grand Teton Lost Continent double ipa. good stuff.
donosborn: more samples