jillbertini: Pink dahlia
Thomas Hawk: Lois the Pie Queen, Oakland, California
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Day 55 of #100daysofthreaddrawing . This one is not great, but I guess its ok to document trying! #theycantallbewinners ➰ #drawingwiththesewingmachine #threaddrawing #creativechallenge #100days #sewingillustration #freemotionembroidery #dra
jillbertini: Pink bloom - valerian
JessaLu: First spring walk on the hill today #spring #crocus #baldwinhill #theberkshires #massachusetts
Thomas Hawk: Roxy Paine
Thomas Hawk: Perhaps It's the Color of the Sun Cut Flat
Thomas Hawk: Lana Del Rey
jillbertini: Dahlia
sylwiaSTW!: Hold Fast
carrier: Outside a primary school, one of a set of paintings. If the kids themselves did these, I think I'd have hired on a few more school counselors. #nightmare #runfaster
toyfoto: There is a thin line between cooperation and cahoots. The kitten just knocked a bowl of pistachios off the kitchen counter. The dog refused to share her unexpected snack. They are now mortal enemies ... as well as jerks.
eilatan: Behold! One complete repeat of #foxpaws! #knitting
JessaLu: Seriously loving the colors and transitions in this project! Already done with the heel - these may not be traveling socks ;) #nofilter #woolgatherings #handspun #handmade #knit #knitting #knittersofinstagram #spinstagram
thing4string: DSC_2919
Thomas Hawk: Food City
Thomas Hawk: The Color of Utah
kdlb: in putting my clothes from dressers and piles into my closet, I hung up most of my sweaters and tops #projectsweaterchest as I don't want too much strain on the shoulders from hanging, this probably isn't the permanent solution but don't they look pretty
kdlb: wow, I have a LONG shadow this evening!
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: One of the places we visited in New Mexico was Tinkertown Museum. All built by one man, a sign painter, wood carver and, well, tinkerer. I loved this sign near the entrance. My pictures of this unique, amazing place on my blog.
Rachael Herron: Hobbiton!
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Pennsylvania Dutch. And I need more practice at hand appliqué.
coopcomp: IMG_3376 - Version 2
Thomas Hawk: Getting Higher in San Francisco
kdlb: the word for today is STASH #ggkcraftypad most of mine lives in cubbies of my IKEA Expedit. there are also books and other things thru-out the cubbies too. I am In LOVE with so much of my stash and am excited to knit them into lovely things! the box peaki
Thomas Hawk: His New World Was Better Than His Old World
janey47: Freshly painted home 022
janey47: Reading matter
toyfoto: A little celebrating ... Amah's birthday is today.
JessaLu: More socks... #csm #circularsockmachine #knitting #butisitreallyknitting #vesper #knitterlythings @knitterly_things