donl2012: P8300018 - P8300019
donl2012: DSCF4792
donl2012: DSCF4334
donl2012: PA280017
donl2012: P9150002
donl2012: P9180007
donl2012: Reflections
donl2012: DSCF3462
donl2012: DSCF3463
donl2012: IMG_2690
donl2012: IMG_2709
donl2012: IMG_2711
donl2012: IMG_2714
donl2012: IMG_2688
donl2012: IMGP1788
donl2012: IMGP1786
donl2012: IMGP1784
donl2012: DSCF3132
donl2012: Hungry gull
donl2012: DSCF3744
donl2012: On the wing
donl2012: Red oak
donl2012: Solid support
donl2012: Eastern Garden
donl2012: Beauty in a ditch
donl2012: Trees at the beach
donl2012: Looking up
donl2012: Placed by nature
donl2012: St. Anne's
donl2012: IMG_0847