Thomas Hawk: I Want You to Know
Camera of Bob: LEICA M MONOCHROM(Typ246)  Elmar L50mm f2.8
*Agnes: Monday Face / Hard question
Duncan Rawlinson - Construction Site
Camera of Bob: Leica M-A(Typ127)  Zunow 50mm f1.1 (L) Black  CINE STILL 800T
Duncan Rawlinson - Dark Multi Level Bridge 2
Duncan Rawlinson - Man Reading In The Oculus
Camera of Bob: LEICA M MONOCHROM(Typ246)  Zunow 50mm f1.1 (L) Black
Duncan Rawlinson - Juniper Growing Through Stone
ca1228: 2018-4-9 下午 06-06-24
Duncan Rawlinson - Dead Trees In Gunnison River
蝶小小: 20131231 台東縣卑南鄉初鹿部落.卑南族年祭
蝶小小: 20131231 台東縣卑南鄉初鹿部落.卑南族年祭
李樂高: _DSCF3117_1
cogs2011: Short Eared Owl
Eric Lon: Janga yoga: Yogis of the world.
Camera of Bob: LEICA M MONOCHROM(Typ246) APO-SUMMICRON-M 50mm/f2 ASPH.
Daveybot: Wall dog
Thomas Hawk: Silence is Golden
Thomas Hawk: If I Won A Dollar I'd Make it Rain
Thomas Hawk: Don't Quote Me on That
coolloud: IMG_1075
Camera of Bob: LEICA M MONOCHROM(Typ246)  Tele-Elmarit M90mm f2.8 Chrome
*Agnes: Monday Face / Montagsgesicht
coolloud: IMG_7112
coolloud: IMG_7105
coolloud: IMG_7106
coolloud: IMG_7103
JDHuang: 2017_04_29 電影放映 (5)
JDHuang: 2017_04_29 電影放映 (8)