루루 LuLu: 醮壇 The huge altar
루루 LuLu: writing down your wishes~
루루 LuLu: a wish
루루 LuLu: another wish
루루 LuLu: another one...
루루 LuLu: S* wishes...
루루 LuLu: I wish...
루루 LuLu: crews of special effect
루루 LuLu: waiting to fire...
루루 LuLu: equipment necessary
루루 LuLu: the residents
루루 LuLu: the residents
루루 LuLu: 他是北投區長
루루 LuLu: 點燈人 lighters
루루 LuLu: jasmine...
루루 LuLu: Red Lanterns
루루 LuLu: the audience
루루 LuLu: before
루루 LuLu: letting off...
루루 LuLu: firing...
루루 LuLu: watching
루루 LuLu: ending...
루루 LuLu: picking up together...
루루 LuLu: Mr. Typhoon Lin
루루 LuLu: buring/ashes
루루 LuLu: altar, lightened
루루 LuLu: night of splendor