domting: 多人到無位坐。
domting: ‪#‎小兒catflu‬ ‪ ‪#‎薯蓉放風‬ ‪ #‎薯蓉嫣定薯蓉燕‬‬
domting: ‪#‎小兒catflu‬ ‪‪#‎薯蓉放風‬ ‪#‎薯蓉嫣定薯蓉燕‬ 兇手原來係你!‬
domting: Why you no play music
domting: Kind of ugly in fact
domting: #七月
domting: @nowhynowhy the most romantic visual creator in town.
domting: 有道是:窮到燶,帶.....
domting: 密室良基 nice and gay in secret chamber
domting: Dear fake elephant, every time I see you its fucking hot
domting: #Godzilla
domting: @jingwongmusician rocking
domting: Take her to the moon for me
domting: #lovedacafe #我賣cd唔賣屎忽 #蒲崗美食
domting: #人體生物力
domting: 歡迎大家明日1400到 #lovedacafe 啃食鄙人的青春。#我賣cd唔賣屎忽
domting: #mrtoychan
domting: #‎小兒catflu ‪#‎玉螢小主‬ ‪#‎薯蓉放風‬ ‪#‎薯蓉嫣定薯蓉燕‬ 大內密探
domting: ‪#‎小兒catflu‬ ‪#‎玉螢小主‬ ‪#‎薯蓉放風‬ ‪#‎薯蓉嫣定薯蓉燕‬ 作繭自縛mode
domting: #小兒catflu #玉螢小主 #薯蓉放風 #薯蓉嫣定薯蓉燕
domting: upload
domting: If I hadn't adopt a cat I would kill myself after this #clockenflap2015
domting: 我完全想像不到那是個怎樣的年代,一個小孩的最大問題居然是「如何formal地食西餐」
domting: Thanks for the night, I love you all #syncsingsin #hkblender2 #xxx
domting: Fire up all da computers !!! Tonight 2300 at xxx, Hong Kong blender2!! Presented by #syncsingsin supported by @cheapmondayhk
domting: #小薯蓉 :你不如正正經經搵份工啦
domting: I heard that Adidas come in strange color these days
domting: @SYNCSINGSIN presents HONG KONG BLENDER 2 supported by @cheapmondayhk POCKET INTERVIEW 005 袋裝訪問005 SAIYAN X Hakgwai With Bass Music China, and also running outlook festival hong kong, you’ve been quite pushing the limits of the local scene, how do you se
domting: @SYNCSINGSIN presents HONG KONG BLENDER 2 supported by @cheapmondayhk POCKET INTERVIEW 004 袋裝訪問004 PAL PAL aka DJ [:Puddington] You do DJing and production, how do you distinct the two? DJing is much more interactive with the crowd and the flow of the
domting: Oh well