Andrew Fryhover: M31 HaLRGB (NASA APOD 10-24-22)
RailfanFranck: My one of best shot of this evening
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique - Belted kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon
Gilles Archambault: Semipalmated Plover - Pluvier semipalmé
RailfanFranck: Back to the old school day
FQuesnel: Camping Mont-Saint-Pierre
RailfanFranck: Aurora of 2022-09-04 @ Notre-dames-des-Monts
sandra bourgeois: Bihoreau gris - Black-crowned Night-Heron
sandra bourgeois: Bihoreau gris - Black-crowned Night-Heron
RailfanFranck: Mont à Peine @ La Malbaie
RailfanFranck: Mont Grand-Fonds @ Lac-Grevel La Lune et les aurores boréales
Gilles Archambault: Horned Grebe - Grèbe esclavon
Amazing Sky Photography: Perseid Meteor and STEVE
Gilles Archambault: Sarcophaga incisilobata - Fly - Mouche
Daniel.Dupont: Petit Blongios juvénile--least Bittern juvenile (Lxobrychus exilis)
goan photos: Grands feux Loto Québec
chappietam: Californian quail in a cherry tree!