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albums of dominic_tristram
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Glastonbury Festival 2019
Bath Conservatives Twitter Storm
Glastonbury Festival 2017
Bath Stays - Picnic for the EU
Kier Picket, Keynsham
The Queen Extravaganza, Bath Forum
Cameron In Bath
Natalie Bennett at Bath City FC
Natalie Bennet in Bath July 2015
Demo for Free Education
Publicity photos
Political graphics
Bristol Union March
Glastonbury 2014
Leafleting Bath Spa Station, 2014
Green Party Talk, Bath, October 2013
Green Euro Stall, July 2013
Glastonbury Festival 2013
Bedroom Tax Protest, Bath
Glastonbury Festival 2010
Ash, Bath Komedia, 28th July 2011
Greenpeace Protest, Marsham Street
Remembrance Poppies, Westminster Abbey
Bath League de Pétanque
Latitude 2012
Olympic Torch Relay In Bath
Vigil for the NHS, Bath
Port Eliot Festival, July 2011
Occupy London Stock Exchange camp
Block The Bridge
Glastonbury Festival 2011
Egypt 1916
Cornwall Holiday 2010
Freegle / Freecycle / Give away
Trowbridge Village Pump Festival 2010
Muse, Teignmouth
Cornwall Holiday, 2009
Camping in Porlock, May 2009
WOMAD 2008
Two Thousand Trees Festival, 2008
Glastonbury 2008
Downton Cuckoo Fair and Afterparty, May 2008
Minehead and Cheddar Gorge, March 2008
Longleat, October 2007
Barbecue on South Beach, 1998
Aberystwyth May Ball, 1998
South Marine Terrace, 1998
Paris, 1997
Sangria Night, 1997
Girly Bunches, 1996
V Festival 2007, Chelmsford
Field Day Festival, 2007
Bonfire Party, 2002
Marge's Birthday 2002
Simons Birthday 2002
Glastonbury Festival 2002
Cardiff, April
Dizzy's Birthday Party
Misc Bath Photos
Mothers Day
Tokyo, February 2007
Misc 2006 Photos
Lynmouth and Lynton
Ali And Darren's Wedding
Sand Bay
Shenzhen and Hong Kong
Milly's Christening
Misc 2005 photos
New Zealand
Corfe Castle
Pub lunch, Corsham
Aber, August
Post-Work Drinks
Milly and Claire
Bristol International Kite Festival
Matt and Emily's Wedding
Scimitar Summer Party 2005
Marlborough Jazz 2005
Ball, September 2005
Scimitar Christmas Party 2004
Claire and Chris' Wedding
Luke's Poker Night, 2004
Shooting at Chris' House
Hat Rescue
Rugby, January 2004
Emily's Wedding
Aberystwyth, Easter 2004
Ally's Birthday, 2004
Copenhagen, 2003
Marlborough Jazz 2003
Netherlands 2003
Prague, June 2003
Skomer 2003
Ally's Birthday 2003
New Year's Eve 2002
Christmas 2002 at the Cottage
Cramer Christmas Party 2002
Ben and Emma's Housewarming, 2002
Aberystwyth August 2002
Sailing in Dartmouth
Aberystwyth Computer Science Graduations 2002
Cramer Kickoff 2002
Iwein and Elies' Wedding
Marlborough Jazz 2002
Valentine's 2002
Bath Festival 2001
Cramer Christmas Party 2001
Helen's Birthday 2001
Jersey 2001
John, Claire and Dave Visit
SIM Team v.1
May Ball 1999
New Years Eve 1999
CRAC 1999
San and Olwen's Engagement Party
European Tour - Total Eclipse 1998
Random photos from 1997
San And Olwen's Engagement Party, 1997
Around Burton, 1997
Graduation, 1997
Halloween 1996
Various Photos from 1996
May Ball 1997
On The Beach, 1996
Aberystwyth May Ball 1996
Trinity Road BBQ, 1994
Aberystwyth May Ball 1994
Mallorca, Summer 1993
Relatives and Family History