Pinto Moreira: Abutre do Egipto
Pedro Sousa: Cinzas
CactoSuburbios: Domingos ao Sol
marco berna : Black and white
Pedro Sousa: Estendais
Pedro Sousa: Muros de Sant'Agostin
armindo dias: I'm Everything, I'm A King
ucumari photography: Don't go!
sebastian's belle: matt berninger of 'the national'
Rui Mendes: Nick Cave,1992.
Pedro Sousa: Depois da tempestade
The Library of Congress: Lady C. Stewart Richardson (LOC)
swissrolli: les feuilles mortes
C__M: Amsterdam rain
kingpinphoto: Thom Yorke of Radiohead
kingpinphoto: Michael Stipe
José Goulão: Portishead