fink.dorothy: Ollie, 2012
fink.dorothy: Ollie, 2012 (3)
fink.dorothy: Ollie, 2012 (2)
fink.dorothy: Ollie, 2012
fink.dorothy: Ollie, 2012 - Copy
fink.dorothy: view from our room 7/2011
fink.dorothy: blurry Moose 7/2011
fink.dorothy: blurry moose 7/2011
fink.dorothy: Hummingbird - 7/2011
fink.dorothy: Balsams 7/2011
fink.dorothy: full Moon with reflection on lake
fink.dorothy: view from our room
fink.dorothy: Balsams 7/2011
fink.dorothy: blurry Moose again 7/2011
fink.dorothy: Errol International Airport with plane
fink.dorothy: Hawk at our window-11/2/2010
fink.dorothy: Hawk at our window
fink.dorothy: Hawk at our window
fink.dorothy: Ollie, 5 yrs old
fink.dorothy: Hawk at our window
fink.dorothy: Butterfly at Jenkins Arboretum
fink.dorothy: Jenkins - suspended ball
fink.dorothy: painted bowls and plates
fink.dorothy: Hairspray show with plane on ship
fink.dorothy: The Boardwalk -Merry-go-round on ship
fink.dorothy: Promenade deck on Oasis of the Seas ship
fink.dorothy: Cozemel, Mexico tour from ship