Everfalling: A Portrait in Lividity
Ernesto Lago: art + industry = design [4th anniversary repost]
Ernesto Lago: pencil + software = design [4th anniversary repost]
Ernesto Lago: 5% creativity + 95% work = design [4th anniversary repost]
cadernolistrado: As regras do Atelier da Angeles!!!!...
tio .faso: O menino Lua
tio .faso: Zumbigo e "The Walking Dead"
Zoopress studio: Estojo Zoopress - Caqui listrado
Zoopress studio: Estojo Zoopress - Caqui listrado
Graafen Blackpaw: EDC Contents - 2010-08-03
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Crescent Moon, Earth's Atmosphere (NASA, International Space Station Science, 09/04/10) [EXPLORED]
✪ mandacaru: Photos + Food = PHOOD!
✪ mandacaru: Ristorante La Cucina Piemontese http://www.lacucinapiemontese.com.br
Eileen Sandá: Faroese Islands - Old Traditional Houses in Tórshavn with Turf Roof - Mettustova
Eileen Sandá: Sao Paulo Via Santos - Old Stensils for Export of Fish from the Faroe Islands in the 19th Century
✪ mandacaru: Oeuf mollet Brillat-Savarin
✪ mandacaru: Bécasse sautée Brillat-Savarin 2
Machorro2: Pico de Orizaba Cumbre Sur Cofre Perote