Doggy Lama Pet Care: Momouw and Mikey explore Knowland Park.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Splendor in the grass...
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Kat with Ruby mini-poodle and Luna golden
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Otto and today's special "guest ball."
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Here comes Mani!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Moishe and Mikey
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Murphy racing form
Doggy Lama Pet Care: (Mikey to Jetti:) "I just don't get the swimming thing, dude!"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Group portrait at the Davis Arboretum
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Momo morning walk at Pt. Iz
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "Don't mess with us!"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Belly cool-off