Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack & Justine with Dexter, Roxy, and Prince
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Justine, Jack, and Dexter
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack getting Nemo
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack and hounds heading back.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Shep and Jack
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack, Phoenix, and Zeus take a rest after a long hike up to the Redwood Bowl.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack and his crew today
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Sometimes Jack reminds me of the Pied Piper!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jack checking in with the hounds
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Nicki and Dexter
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Beau tries a Nicki hug and finds it to his liking.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "I think you make a mistake on that spreadsheet."
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "After I sing the second line, which ends with 'Dormez-vous?,' you're going to come in with 'Frère Jacques,'--got it?"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Lucia got a Reesie-kiss.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: I meet Lucia for her morning walk today.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Lucia brought her foster dog, Saphire Bullets of Love the pitbull, along on her morning group hike today.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: We took a break in the shade.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: "OK, Domino, you come in right after the chorus."
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jen gets some quality face time with Molly-pup while in the back, Kristen yells, "Land ho!"
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Jen tells Otis and Maisie a very good story about a piece of freeze-dried duck.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Otis and Jen share a joke.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: As we were leaving, we ran into Kristen and her crew coming into Tilden.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Woo hoo! Kristen signed the contract and now she's a Doggy Lama walker!
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Kristen shows off the seven dogs we walked together in Tilden today.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Kristen keeps order during the water break.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Kristen imitates the way Maltzu "gummed her" this morning.
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Moishe and Kat
Doggy Lama Pet Care: BFF: Kristen and Sage
Doggy Lama Pet Care: I met up with Kristen, Bonnie, and twelve doggy pals for a lovely hike in Claremont Canyon.