John Scalzi: Krissy 9/27/24
Head_First_Only: Happy Place 2024
John Scalzi: Spice, 8/10/21
John Scalzi: Kristine 1/12/20
John Scalzi: Zeus Winks, 1/27/17
Marshdrifter: Behold the new boots! Long may they last!
4myrrh1: USCG Eagle
wisely-chosen: 4g (5mm)
smussyolay: #nofilter #muchlatergram
smussyolay: #bokeh #nofilter #latergram
smussyolay: If only I could have a nickname as cool as "Ziggy Stardust" or "The Thin White Duke." #thinkingofbowie
Marshdrifter: Time to ride
smussyolay: Logan Square. #logansquare #night #chicago #walkhome