mintyfreshflavor: sunset on the farm
mintyfreshflavor: dawn patrol
mintyfreshflavor: Rex in the morning light
mintyfreshflavor: me and Pam
that blonde girl: Ashley is all "whatevs."
that blonde girl: Springtime Bandit
that blonde girl: hey lady
ElinorB: Old summer dresses
helloyarn: Windy Day
helloyarn: Pâte de Fruit Mittens
helloyarn: Hammock Buddies
mintyfreshflavor: missing birthday girls
JulieFrick: Minty, Specs, and Pam make the scenic overlook more scenic.
JulieFrick: Specs explains
splityarn: Hmmmmmm?
Mary-Heather: Thank you lady the dog bed makes a very nice place to keep my toys but as for resting I will use the couch.
splityarn: Sparkly water
splityarn: Tried to skip dawn patrol this morning until guilt dragged my ass outta bed. Missed sunrise by 13 minutes.
stephen.wisniewski: Sid and Nancy
MissMarnie: The 7 Stages of Facebook Grief
flint knits: girl loves a good stick
jpmpinmontreal: Me & theo
helloyarn: Beach House Reading
JulieFrick: 15 more...and time for a break
Mary-Heather: that head tilt...