Dog&Dwarf: Don't Cut It, Strut It
Dog&Dwarf: Friends of Wings Charity | Poster
Dog&Dwarf: Design 'O' Matic | Poster
Dog&Dwarf: LVVO Design Co. | Sea Creature
Dog&Dwarf: LVVO Design Co. | T-Shirt
Dog&Dwarf: 6 #typography #vernaculartype
Dog&Dwarf: Envision | T-Shirt
Dog&Dwarf: Midwest Mayhem 2012 | Poster
Dog&Dwarf: Envision T-Shirt | Wall of Visions
Dog&Dwarf: Bulldog #sxswi #signfinds
Dog&Dwarf: Moosylvania crew is headed out to SXSW interactive today.
Dog&Dwarf: Type Fight Submission
Dog&Dwarf: Alox Shoe Laces sign.
Dog&Dwarf: Canada Cement sign
Dog&Dwarf: The Clash
Dog&Dwarf: Peyote
Dog&Dwarf: Futura at the first place I ever went bowling as a kid.
Dog&Dwarf: Finished up a drawing with adobe ideas on my iPad.
Dog&Dwarf: Giving my famous fictional prints a good home this week.
Dog&Dwarf: Thanks!
Dog&Dwarf: Antler Wax Co. | Speaker Tin
Dog&Dwarf: Wedding Lettering
Dog&Dwarf: Dinner
Dog&Dwarf: Shred Reminder
Dog&Dwarf: Burglar
Dog&Dwarf: The Carver