outtacontext: Cut the Noise and Sharpen Your Message
fesign: Cat Nap at Kuthodaw Pagoda, Myanmar
outtacontext: Choose One
Paperworker: Fascism
One Blind Mouse: Hide Roxy by Clora Queen
One Blind Mouse: War is Peace
One Blind Mouse: Electoral Fraud
ktmqi: Oh Pooh!
nolehace: 2019 san francisco women's march 3.0; protest sign 1-19*
One Blind Mouse: One of these beauties is the face of Zara...can you guess which one?
trekriffic: Seatbelts
outtacontext: Don't Infect Others with Your Ignorance
Omunene: Traitor
Bill Sargent: Fake Ceremony in Lafayette Park
Bill Sargent: donald agonistes
One Blind Mouse: 1537960833963
outtacontext: Silent Collaborators
TooLoose-LeTrek: Beer - Nectar of the Gods
outtacontext: Tie His Hands Tight: VOTE!
JasonLee: send in the clown
mikerosebery: Harper, Kansas
ARRRRT: Ridiculing Valentine's Day
Bill Sargent: slender man: alternative realities
One Blind Mouse: Witch Hunt (edited)
One Blind Mouse: I am quite proud of this shot. It was an instant when everything worked.
outtacontext: Welcome to America
One Blind Mouse: My always smiling granddaughter, Emilia.