Joel Robison: Search For The Light
Dracorubio: Boy_Wonder & Dracorubio
Dracorubio: Jaimie
Dracorubio: Lieke
Dracorubio: "It's Time To Play"
Dracorubio: Precious
Dracorubio: Super Santa Meltdown
Dracorubio: Eh...goodmorning?! #sphynx #cat
Dracorubio: Sungazing #cats #sphynx #Dexter #Tasha
alexander,v: stripes
fox_lv: 20141004-DSC_8367
Joel Robison: Little Wonders
Joel Robison: Through My Eyes
Joel Robison: Mapping Out A New Path
Joel Robison: Find The Darkness
Joel Robison: Migration
Joel Robison: Take A Look, It's In a Book
desertdragon: three point stance
Dracorubio: "may the fourth be with you"
Dracorubio: "His endearing smile made up for his lack of seriousity on the battlefield" - unknown roman soldier 500 A.D.
Dracorubio: Elementary
Dracorubio: Tank Girl Themed Idiots
f/twentytwo: Ok fellas, back to the drawing board. This guy tattooed his escape plan onto his body! Now that's the sort of commitment I want to see from you Hippo. Watch & learn.
Paolo Martinez: I'm magic
Paolo Martinez: Steampunk