SteveMlodinow: Bridled Titmouse - Santa Rita County, AZ - January 2015
SteveMlodinow: Bridled Titmouse - Santa Rita County, AZ - January 2015
SteveMlodinow: Sharp-shinned Hawk - Santa Cruz County, AZ - January 2015
SteveMlodinow: Mating Rambur's Forktail - Hawai'i County, HA - July 2015
SteveMlodinow: Gold Dust Day Gecko (Phelsuma laticauda) - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: Gold Dust Day Gecko (Phelsuma laticauda) - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: Akiapolaau - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: Akiapolaau - Hawaii County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: I'Iwi - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: I'Iwi - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
SteveMlodinow: Omao pair - Hawai'i County, HA - August 2015
Peter Burke: Northern Mockingbird
Peter Burke: Early Bird
Peter Burke: Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Peter Burke: Mountain Bluebird
Peter Burke: Eastern Phoebe
Peter Burke: Western Wood-Pewee
Peter Burke: Evening Grosbeak
Peter Burke: Wilson's Warbler
Indiana107: Painted Bunting
wanderflechten: view south with Hubbard Glacier on left, Seward Glacier on right
wanderflechten: Mt St Elias and Taan Fiord
wanderflechten: myxo 3
wanderflechten: pilings Padilla Bay
wanderflechten: at least 15 lichen species
LawrenceNeo: Rufous-collared Kingfisher (Actenoides concretus) @ Panti Bird Sanctuary, Malaysia_20111117_0111u