dlichaw: I still don't know why this dog can't talk like a human because he he does everything else like a human.
dlichaw: City dog enjoys non-city sun, space, and air.
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: Someone is too good for TV.
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: This is what we commonly refer to as: Cat in a Box
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: Lazy day...ie, Ralph watches me while I watch TV
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: Little puppy sleeping with his blanket like a human
dlichaw: upload
dlichaw: And it's...superdog!
dlichaw: Buddies, kinda
dlichaw: A new kind of begging
dlichaw: I sure know how to pick 'em #shelterdogs
dlichaw: Occupy Doormat (Ralph lying in protest over having to come inside)
dlichaw: It's totally that kind of a day.
dlichaw: Yay! We get to work outside today!
dlichaw: Ralph's had a really long day
dlichaw: Spring pea soup w/rainbow radishes and chives
dlichaw: Ralphie digs his new outdoor bench
dlichaw: Kale, chard, beets, arugula, mixed lettuces, dill, parsley, basil, mint, cilantro, rosemary, and thyme. If all goes well, this will be a full-fledged veggie garden this summer :)
dlichaw: Some quality time with the Snowball. Now that everyone is in bed, he surfaces from the shadows.
dlichaw: Gizmo is really excited about the new bathroom sink
dlichaw: My office today and, yes, I'm one damn lucky NYer.
dlichaw: New camera lens = no more fuzzy puppy photos :)
dlichaw: Hiking time!
dlichaw: "Dolly's Family Reunion" - exactly what it sounds like: Dolly's family putting on a show of country and gospel tunes :)