Daniel Konold: Narcos Season 3: Making a Tourist Attraction
Daniel Konold: Playing lotería just like in high school Spanish
Daniel Konold: A little [incredible] jazzy salsa
Daniel Konold: For the cyclists and guitarists.
Daniel Konold: Note to self: brush up on your Spanish BEFORE going to the barberia
Daniel Konold: Flower festival incoming
Daniel Konold: Let's play a game: #spotthegringo
Daniel Konold: 1990. We must go back.
Daniel Konold: Sunfish tacos.
Daniel Konold: A first, surprisingly.
Daniel Konold: Last minute road trip to go camping at the infamous Red Beach in Panjin... 盘锦红海滩 #china #panjin #redbeach #盘锦 #红海滩
Daniel Konold: 波士顿红袜队~ Fenway Sox
Daniel Konold: 保罗班扬~ Paul Bunyan as Lloyd Dobler... this might be tattoo-worthy~
Daniel Konold: 怀旧之情~路上的冰激凌车[色][色] Ice cream truck nostalgia~
Daniel Konold: 我觉得美国人爱吃沙拉~ Americans like to eat salad?
Daniel Konold: 受之以鱼,不如授之以渔~ Give a man some ice cream and he'll eat for a day; show a man how to make the most delicious soft-serve ice cream in the world and he'll eat for a lifetime~
Daniel Konold: 我陪了一些中国学生去看地道的棒球比赛~ 一个同学依然看了世界杯!我觉得他是阿根廷队的粉丝 Take Chinese students to a genuine baseball game and they still find a way to watch the World Cup~
Daniel Konold: 家 Home~
Daniel Konold: 国家文化交流讲座~ Lecture on crossing cultures (the students are there, trust me)~
Daniel Konold: 一旦我不记得老家,就看这个海报~ Just in case I forget~
Daniel Konold: 端午节的早午餐~ Dragon Boat Brunch! Juevitos rancheritos~
Daniel Konold: 美国的球~ American balls~
Daniel Konold: 我最喜欢的汉子~ By far, my favorite Chinese word~
Daniel Konold: 你们能穿这双鞋吗?Who would wear these? A simple yes or no would suffice~
Daniel Konold: 我送给自己的生日礼物~ My bday gift to myself... mint condition first Japanese edition of Bob Dylan's Shot of Love LP~
Daniel Konold: 在我的人生中,我有度过了很多特别好的生日。可是今年当我30岁的时候,我们吃了烤全羊,太棒啦!真可以载入史册~ I've had many amazing birthdays in my life, but my 30th will go down in history as the time we ate an entire lamb~
Daniel Konold: 你真的可以在淘宝上买所有的东西~ You really can buy anything on Taobao~
Daniel Konold: 美式中餐打包~ What Chinese takeout looks like in America.
Daniel Konold: 真的打包~ What Chinese takeout boxes look like in China.
Daniel Konold: 附近的酒吧,就是哲学家吗?A new club opened up near my home... for philosophers, I'm guessing~