coulportste: Balloons
Wuzbug: Gouache Brush Wash Impression of the Last storm of the Year , today in North Wales.
mickm4: Donald Sutherland
nomm de photo: Fissure in Red, White and Blue
marag98: IMG_20241208_200418_edit_4003340446263
Guewald: still life * 40x50cm * acrylic/ charcoal on canvas * 12/24
coulportste: Sunrise
Guewald: still life* 40x50 cm * acrylic/ charcoal on canvas * 12/24
bmeidel45: Viking Woman - oil sketch
onlypencil: Boxer Pencil Drawing
coulportste: Butterfly
Enchanted Loom: Watercolor
Guewald: still life 40x50 cm acrylic on canvas, 11/24
Guewald: street scene *2017 * 18x23cm* acrylic on canvas
coulportste: The Church
coulportste: Nant Mill
Daniel Cogné: MODELLO
coulportste: Butterfly
coulportste: Eagle Owl
mhobl: Punto - jedermanns Freund
coulportste: Misty Morning
coulportste: Sutcliffe Gardens
coulportste: Sunrise
markchadwickart: Acrylic Fluid Painting
Enchanted Loom: Schnauzer
coulportste: Lymm Woods
coulportste: Misty Morning
elp72: Sutton bank snow
Wuzbug: Brush sketch of sparrow by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.