djpiebob: it's fall in portland
djpiebob: kat and weezyl, pre-rocking
djpiebob: our luxurious accommodations
djpiebob: seriously, we are about to start rocking out any second
djpiebob: keepin' it classy
djpiebob: ren is ready to rock
djpiebob: variety
djpiebob: sweet
djpiebob: on the wall in the (i shit you not) ROCK BAND room
djpiebob: and it goes a little sumptin' like THIS
djpiebob: dj workshop
djpiebob: omg pedals
djpiebob: workshop time
djpiebob: random purse dog
djpiebob: weezyl and some of her band
djpiebob: the way to freedom
djpiebob: fifi practices with her band
djpiebob: kat gets her groove on
djpiebob: our show flyer!
djpiebob: some quiet time for ren
djpiebob: working out those pre-show jitters
djpiebob: weezyl's band!
djpiebob: so very very serious
djpiebob: ren's band!
djpiebob: the only other metal fan at camp (she is awesome)
djpiebob: weezyl brings the rocky horror to karaoke night
djpiebob: late night bacon run
djpiebob: van of dorks YAY
djpiebob: kat rocks the bass for 'disconnect'
djpiebob: 'opal to the 7th power' rehearses