djpiebob: what gaming looks like
djpiebob: first game of ticket to ride
djpiebob: the view from up here
djpiebob: failing a balance check
djpiebob: "but a 500lb ogrun can't ride in a rickety little skiff...
djpiebob: the implements of destruction
djpiebob: battletech
djpiebob: battletech
djpiebob: give me the brain!
djpiebob: gamer olympics dudes
djpiebob: i played a poofy french Hospitaler knight
djpiebob: eric is ocd about his trains
djpiebob: INFOCOM
djpiebob: toma lays track
djpiebob: game playing detritus
djpiebob: so many fiddly bits
djpiebob: the swank game room sound system
djpiebob: storming the underground lair
djpiebob: using the robotic laser excavator to burn down the metal doors
djpiebob: the computer explains our mission
djpiebob: stuff is expensive in space
djpiebob: to-do list
djpiebob: darren's armada!
djpiebob: chits, chits, and more chits
djpiebob: this game is incredibly complicated
djpiebob: showdown on the Western Deuterio-Helium Corporation mining station
djpiebob: attacked by 15' long birds in the pass
djpiebob: the tomb of the eternals
djpiebob: that box of mentos is actually a big exploded machine
djpiebob: jon ignores the gaming