djpiebob: 2-3 tablespoons of french garden sprouting mix
djpiebob: soak the seeds for a few hours
djpiebob: behold, the UNIX sproutmaker!
djpiebob: pour the soaked seeds into the sprouter
djpiebob: stack the sprouter trays
djpiebob: every 12 hours, pour about 2 cups of water in the top
djpiebob: the little siphons pull water through to the next level down
djpiebob: in the sunny window
djpiebob: sprouts, day 2
djpiebob: sprouts, day 3
djpiebob: sprouts, new year's day (day 4)
djpiebob: sproutmaker is watered
djpiebob: sproutmaker box
djpiebob: UNIX brand :)
djpiebob: i will probably harvest tomorrow
djpiebob: sprout harvest time
djpiebob: they come out in big hanks of sprouty goodness
djpiebob: roots all lined up from the ribs in the trays
djpiebob: put them in the salad spinner
djpiebob: fill it full of water and agitate with your hands to loosen clumps
djpiebob: the hulls separate and sink
djpiebob: the harvest
djpiebob: on toast with cream cheese, mmmm