montanaman1: Cory Smith, Small Skinner, Hamilton, Montana.
ambientlight: on land (I)
Sandra Leidholdt: Blue on Blue
barbee: my hands...2hottie's artwork
barbee: DSCN5833
barbee: spring break 06 037
Marcus Ramberg: Frost smoke on the water
barbee: big heads
barbee: holland
barbee: love on the rocks
Auntie K: Cathedral Rock Vortex
barbee: face of tin man
barbee: winged creature
barbee: orchid
Doggies Are From Heaven: BIG SMILE FOR A DOBIE
Puddleglum-: More, Please!
barbee: wingspan
barbee: say a little prayer for me
Jeff Clow: Texas August Sunset Too
artofgold: A Storm is Brewing
barbee: blue sky