Doris Bowling: The Coburn Players, 1910
Doris Bowling: The Bread Line, about 1905 – 1925
Doris Bowling: Untitled (Folk Song), 1990 – '92
Doris Bowling: Untitled (Folk Song), 1990 – '92
Doris Bowling: I Like It Here, 1945
Doris Bowling: Violin Arrangement, 1940 – 1950
Doris Bowling: The Egg Was First, 1990s – 2000s
Doris Bowling: The Rape of Lucretia, late 1680s / early 1690s
Doris Bowling: Untitled
Doris Bowling: Locked Arms, 2015
Doris Bowling: Noli Me Tangere or Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene, c. 1537
Doris Bowling: The Holy Family, first half of 16th century
Doris Bowling: The Penitent Magdalen, 1595
Doris Bowling: The Immaculate Conception, 1670 – 80
Doris Bowling: The Early Lovers, c. 1865-1873
Doris Bowling: Ayo's Chair, 2020
Doris Bowling: Embroidery from Uzbekistan, 2008
Doris Bowling: The Clock Tower, Venice, c. 1760
Doris Bowling: Flowers Number 6, about 1915
Doris Bowling: The Last Supper, 17th – 18th century
Doris Bowling: An Italianate Landscape with Artist Sketching, c. 1640
Doris Bowling: Portrait of a Daughter of Dietrich Bromsen, c. 1635
Doris Bowling: Civil War Widow, c. 1863
Doris Bowling: While the Sun Shines, 1936
Doris Bowling: Raphael Painting My Portrait, 1933
Doris Bowling: Mind Growth, 2021
Doris Bowling: The Seventies Groove, 2020
Doris Bowling: Couple (Bob and Richard), 2002
Doris Bowling: Stacks in Celebration, 1954
Doris Bowling: Endless Energy for Limitless Living, 1945 - 1946