Lalita Renfew: Will you still love me, when I'm no longer young and beautiful
Evie Noir (Co57): Hi Linx ♥
mich.michabo: The Day After Yesterday, before Tomorrow Begins
Luigia80 (Pat): Yellow...
Frida Roxan ☺ very busy in RL (: continue to improve the head)
anne Dakun: LOTD#93
Luigia80 (Pat): Flower of Calabria
anne Dakun: Label Motion - Vogue TDR
Estela Serenity: TLM - 08/07/2013
London Dailey: Pink Outfitters Build - Blender Preview
pia_moonwall: MiWardrobe.{{BSD}}.Your Cocain...
AIIy Andel: Sports Luxe
Ina Centaur: Marvelous Designer to SL Mesh workflow
Nana Minuet: +88 days old Annabell
[DDL] Accessories: [DDL] The talented Mr. Bear
Leigh Spires~: Quite tempted to do this but I'm lazy.
Etana Vella: Curio Spring Cleaning Sale!!!