Divergence: Today, I asked the US National Archives if President Trump's direct messages on Twitter are presidential records. Answer: yes. Context: https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2017/nr-43
Divergence: Foster Hackathon
Divergence: Hackathon
Divergence: Applied for my visa to India. This trip may actually be happening.
Divergence: Holidays on the hill
Divergence: Heron stalking fish. The graceful bird came up with dinner a few moments later. #latergram
Divergence: Raised by a musketeer in Middle Earth, no doubt
Divergence: Gulls, geese, crows, ducks, a grebe, a woodpecker, a hawk, a falcon & a wren. #Birding
Divergence: Spot the heron on the left. #Birding
Divergence: Late autumn reflections
Divergence: Making friends
Divergence: This raptor nearly deposited some guano on my head, perched on a tree in our neighborhood. Best bet is that it's a sharp-shinned hawk. http://dcbirds.si.edu/bird/sharp-shinned-hawk
Divergence: Lingering autumn color
Divergence: A winter oasis, in a museum atrium
Divergence: A winter oasis, in a museum atrium
Divergence: A full Thanksgiving plate. I won't be hungry until Christmas, after seconds.
Divergence: Happy Thanksgiving! I was to properly pull off cooking my grandmother's family recipe for barrel gravy.
Divergence: 71F & sunny in DC. Transcribing & editing outdoors: not so bad.
Divergence: Terrific experience to introduce my parents to the bonsai at the National Arboretum.
Divergence: Finally visited "A Litteri." A true #DC institution: http://www.washingtonpost.com/gog/restaurants/a.-litteri,1067634.html Amazing selection of Italian foods. Yum.
Divergence: Live social wall. @thisisfushion pulls from Facebook, Twitter, Vine & Instagram. (Sorry, Tumblr, Plus & Pinterest.)
Divergence: So many themes, threads, tensions and images surrounded this conversation between US UN ambassador Samatha Power and journalist Jorge Ramos. #fusionriseup
Divergence: Wael Ghonim telling his story of activism, revolution, technology and repression. #fusionriseup
Divergence: Braised lamb shank, elephant garlic & carrots over sweet potatoes and tatsoi: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatsoi delectable green. Dish paired well with a decent Spanish red on a chilly night.
Divergence: Colorful cauliflower
Divergence: A view from my current window. Jamming.
Divergence: Classier, more permanent surveillance cameras
Divergence: Mobile #Veterans Center in DC. #veteransday #theconcertforvalor
Divergence: Popup solar-powered surveillance cameras on Constitution Avenue
Divergence: Equal justice before the fall foliage