Dive in Scripture: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Eph. 2:8
Dive in Scripture: The relationship cure is LOVE. Visit diveinscripture.com to read our series on love based on Corinthians 13
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Dive in Scripture: The gospel! Live it! Preach it! Teach it!
Dive in Scripture: 7,128 people receive emails of our news articles! Have you signed up yet? Diveinscripture.com
Dive in Scripture: I AM THE NAIL: represents that we are the cause for what happened to Jesus, and regardless that He was fully aware. He did it anyway because He loves us!
Dive in Scripture: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Is. 6:8
Dive in Scripture: Since the gospel doesn't have a language barrier, neither do we. Diveinscripture.com offers more than 50 different translations of our site.
Dive in Scripture: Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2 NLT)
Dive in Scripture: I would like to end telling a brief story of Charles Templeton. Charles was an amazing evangelist and many time preached to the tens of thousands with his great friend Dr. Billy Graham. Many thought he was going to be the one to change the world and bring
Dive in Scripture: Lets close the year with a grateful spirit, remembering all the wonders God did through our this year. Sure we had downs and lows but God was glorified in everything and has prepared an amazing year for you in 2013; just be grateful!
Dive in Scripture: We added a great post to our site today! "Jehovah's Witness. Why Consider Christianity?" Diveinscripture.com
Dive in Scripture: What are some examples of modern idolatry?
Dive in Scripture: What are you most grateful for this Christmas?
Dive in Scripture: What if the world could just Love.
Dive in Scripture: Let us pray for the families and loved ones of Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newton, Connecticut.
Dive in Scripture: Thoughts on Christmas tree..... Some people say it is pagan worship others find no harm... Your thoughts?
Dive in Scripture: Is praying to saints biblical?
Dive in Scripture: Here's a good question! Was Peter the first pope? Let us know your thoughts than head over to diveinscripture.com to read the article.
Dive in Scripture: The heavens declare the glory of God.
Dive in Scripture: Does scripture mention (approve/disapprove) the concept of a nun?
Dive in Scripture: Praise Him with strings
Dive in Scripture: Why the intensity between Protestants and Catholics?
Dive in Scripture: What if you need to kill someone while serving in the military? Is it a sin?
Dive in Scripture: Geographical map of countries that have visited diveinscripture.com
Dive in Scripture: Notes about the whore of Babylon.
Dive in Scripture: Is ancestor worship biblical? Find out at diveinscripture.com
Dive in Scripture: Authentic worship John 4
Dive in Scripture: Our website is integrated to work on any mobile phone, check it out at diveinscripture.com