Dellawati Wijaya: Facebook South Beach Tower Singapore
Ninomiya Kara: 092800_121046monasthnbaru
Ninomiya Kara: 185827_perayaan-tahun-baru-2013-di-jakarta_663_382
Dellawati Wijaya: Good Bye Angry Birds
fahmiristyo: _MG_2395
Dellawati Wijaya: Holycowsteak
fahmiristyo: _MG_2270
harsetoas: Can he reach it?
mujepa: Balloons everywhere...
KAY_AD: The innocent look !
wimar: koprollers
The British Monarchy: The Official Royal Wedding photographs
Dellawati Wijaya: welcome to yahoo!
**Pip**: 38/365 London Eye
MircoWilhelm: Autumn - Look At This
{ tcb }: gravitational time dilation
Brian E Kushner: Total Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010
byJurjen: 20 Years Of Winter
fa.triatmoko: sang pianis
{ tcb }: gravitational time dilation (making of video)
~ Pixel Passion ~: ~ learning to fly ~
ramadoni: orange sky
ღMayuღ: On a beautiful sunny day, leave me alone!! I am sleeping comfortably. Zzz.. Zzz...
The Whole Cake and Caboodle ( lisa ): swiss cheese square pants
julian palapa: The Simply Flying Buble
tulipánka: 365/86 - earth hour.