Disko-Puppets Photography: Mabel and Chico
Disko-Puppets Photography: Sunkisses On Chico
Disko-Puppets Photography: Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Disko-Puppets Photography: Winston's Pillow
Disko-Puppets Photography: FAVE: Chico's Profile
Disko-Puppets Photography: Crazy Colors Of Night
Disko-Puppets Photography: Polka Dot Shoes
Disko-Puppets Photography: Traffic at Parade
Disko-Puppets Photography: Lights On Court House
Disko-Puppets Photography: Every Dogs Best Friends
Disko-Puppets Photography: Winston's Pillow
Disko-Puppets Photography: Into My Eyes - B and W
Disko-Puppets Photography: Into My Eyes - Color