Paco CT: Centered object with a wire frame slightly off-centered on an almost out of focus background
BigBean: South Bank Shadowplay
Cooriander: Sunlit Hair
Cooriander: Happy ♥♡'s Day!
Ayoumali: It's already bokeh wednesday here, mate!
davebrosha: The Emerald Tornado
Cooriander: Mellow Yellow
Cooriander: Rainbow Lemons
Paco CT: Pom O. Marqués de la Gran Puerta
Dave Gorman: ballpoint
Ayoumali: 2007 went by so fast...
digitalgopher: Out of this world
Cooriander: Accidentally Red
Kathy~: The Joy of Christmas
Kathy~: Through the bars
!Katie!: Coordinated color
cindyloughridge: Finger foods
nutmeg66: Seal pup - teeth and claws
vvt: .
Cooriander: Going with the Grain
BigBean: Frosty November Flower
BigBean: Autumn Dew Flower
Paco CT: A few buoys in a row
cindyloughridge: The deepest of purple
DanielKHC: Convergence #2
iakash149: Playing With Water