Dippingmytoes: The Prophet's Mosque, Medinah
Dippingmytoes: 'Nine West'
Dippingmytoes: "Rehab"
Dippingmytoes: "Meet the guests of Allah while smiling" :)
Dippingmytoes: Lost flip flops?
Dippingmytoes: Information centre
Dippingmytoes: 'NKST' (NEXT)
Dippingmytoes: ZamZam Towers Mall
Dippingmytoes: Maghrib prayers with a view
Dippingmytoes: Haj 070
Dippingmytoes: Haj 072
Dippingmytoes: Enjoying the comforts of life
Dippingmytoes: Performing wudu and drinking from the Zam Zam taps.
Dippingmytoes: Chandelier
Dippingmytoes: Taking shade in a tent (with a view)
Dippingmytoes: Ladies resting and praying in tents at Arafat
Dippingmytoes: Green hearts
Dippingmytoes: Minarets
Dippingmytoes: Minarets at the Holy Mosque Mecca
Dippingmytoes: Gateway
Dippingmytoes: The penthouse
Dippingmytoes: Leaves you kind of speechless doesn't it?
Dippingmytoes: Holy Mosque, Mecca
Dippingmytoes: Worshippers performing tawaaf
Dippingmytoes: Every walk of life
Dippingmytoes: Bird's eye view of worshippers circumambulating the kaaba
Dippingmytoes: Whole new meaning of crowdedness
Dippingmytoes: 'Retaj Albait SUITS Hotel'