Dippingmytoes: El Templo de Debod me
Dippingmytoes: Uncanny resemblance, I think it's the cheeks and smile
Dippingmytoes: A bientôt, j'espère...
Dippingmytoes: Getting the bride's wedding dress train out of the way
Dippingmytoes: Egypt Banana Island
Dippingmytoes: Egypt Karnak Temple
Dippingmytoes: Les Yeux
Dippingmytoes: Flip flops
Dippingmytoes: Hanging out in Galleries Lafayette (after I bought some flip flops)
Dippingmytoes: I can't resist mirrors and reflections...
Dippingmytoes: la Grande Mosquée de Paris
Dippingmytoes: Hamza's Wedding 040
Dippingmytoes: 'The group picture"
Dippingmytoes: Just one cornetto...
Dippingmytoes: Isn't it cool when you're walking down the street and realise that your clothes match the graffiti?
Dippingmytoes: On train (my feet are on my suitcase and not on the chair ;)
Dippingmytoes: Souvenirs to take home
Dippingmytoes: Taking pictures
Dippingmytoes: To live in a house like this!
Dippingmytoes: Daddy took this photo of me :)
Dippingmytoes: Anee pretending to be an old woman and me helping her from falling over
Dippingmytoes: Paris March 2008
Dippingmytoes: Feeling shattered...
Dippingmytoes: Self portrait with Sophia
Dippingmytoes: Just springing in the rain
Dippingmytoes: Creme brulee mmm
Dippingmytoes: When life pulls you apart, friends stitch you back together.
Dippingmytoes: A portrait of me