NicestGuyEver: Walking my friends puppy. NYC
NicestGuyEver: The Stonewall Inn
NicestGuyEver: New haircut.
NicestGuyEver: Happy Saturday!
NicestGuyEver: Just woke up and enjoying a hot bath
NicestGuyEver: Happy St Patrick's Day
muscle[spell]bound: 183283_196335450391284_100000444919512_651416_746831_n
muscle[spell]bound: 32084_1424867432480_1556607847_1014231_5470483_n
The Library of Congress: Mrs. Abby Scott Baker (LOC)
sea turtle: Sisters From Another Mother
muscle[spell]bound: Big vs short
Marccelus Bragg: marccelus_ruy15
michael_baltic: Gary and Sarah Wedding 16
blackpool86: achim weitz
Marccelus Bragg: montesanto005