dingogirl66: Chubs Can Dee Artbox
dingogirl66: Snoopy Dogbed (beast boy rip)
dingogirl66: Ground Hog
dingogirl66: snake in the grass
dingogirl66: sweet dog
dingogirl66: Hot Pink Roses
dingogirl66: Hot Pink Roses
dingogirl66: Hot Pink Rose
dingogirl66: Stop and Buckle
dingogirl66: red and green
dingogirl66: Hidden Blue window of sunshine
dingogirl66: Shadows of the blue window
dingogirl66: Hot Dog that's funny
dingogirl66: Moss Wall
dingogirl66: shadows of the heart
dingogirl66: Rocco Happy
dingogirl66: Rocco finding Mayfield
dingogirl66: Sammy in the canna jungle
dingogirl66: Color Red and Green
dingogirl66: Sammy and Rocco checking out trash
dingogirl66: Gas and litter
dingogirl66: The watchkeepers of the blue window
dingogirl66: Watchkeeper window
dingogirl66: W- 30 Liberator
dingogirl66: One of my favorite taxidermy artists
dingogirl66: One of my favorite taxidermy artists