Ivan Safyan Abrams: With only one more month until the Pennsylvania Railroad ended its PIttsburgh-area commuter service, an eastbound train led by an ALCO RS3 accelerates from the Homewood Station on a cold autumn afternoon. October/November, 1964.
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Adolfo "Harpo" Celaya, one of the last living survivors of the 1945 sinking of the USS Indianapolis, died in Florence, Arizona, his hometown, on November 25, 2022. He was 94 years of age. I was privileged to meet Harpo on October 2, 2013.
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Red, white and blue Chessie, Tucson, Arizona, July 30, 2011
Mute*: Race Horse
Mute*: Race Horse
Vadim_Prischepa: жизнь / life
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Fresco and stained glass window, St. Matthias Church, Budapest, Hungary, April 15, 2011
Ilko Allexandroff / イルコ・光の魔術師: Dreaming of Something Nice (EXPLORE #40)
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2, 2009
Vadim_Prischepa: вечность / eternity
Yagoda.: Dreams.
AgusValenz: Sea and Sky
sergio68 moscow: Moonrise over Sayan mountains
Yerlan_Sadvakassov: leopard...
Yerlan_Sadvakassov: thoughts...
Yerlan_Sadvakassov: a photo for my sweetheart's project...
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Seal of approval, Pristina, Kosovo, November 14, 2010
AgusValenz: autumn sunshine
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Terry and Ivan Abrams, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 10, 2010
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Hummingbird on Mt. Lemmon, Catalina Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, September 2, 2010