☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: -17.5 sunny & clear
sasquahtch: dear Oscar Meyer Super-Popcorn
sasquahtch: totally madly
sasquahtch: he has a past
sasquahtch: get behind the mule
woofslc: Rest and Relaxation
lizzieuribeb1: My Ollie
lizzieuribeb1: Relaxing
lizzieuribeb1: My furry little angels
TammyTalking: We Wish You...
dangeri.away: Being together
Adventures of Wolfie: the pika bear
sasquahtch: regarding that stick up the arse
Adventures of Wolfie: a candle for Maggie :(
sasquahtch: good fortune
woofslc: Hun's Butt is a Pillow
sasquahtch: Wyatt
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: an angel for my mother {13/24 days of Christmas}
dangeri.away: My little Bogart
dangeri.away: Where went the soap bubbles?
dangeri.away: Love is everywhere
sasquahtch: spoonfulla squid ink please
sasquahtch: anniversary waltz
woofslc: Happy Glamour Girl
Jackie & Sonny: Happy Birthday to Meeeee!!!! Week 41 of 52
edartr: COOK-O-MATIC