mp 126: DSC08458
mp 126: DSCN9591
mp 126: DSC07183a
mp 126: DSC07133
mp 126: DSC07122
mp 126: St Joe Valley Line #204 Adams Express Carnear Elkhart IN 1914 IN
mp 126: St Joe Valley wreck at Pine Creek
mp 126: Bad bearing on a Ontario Northern boxcar set out at Kendallville IN
mp 126: Cranemasters prepare to change an axle out on an Amtrak locomotive in Waterloo IN behind the Nucor Building Systems Plant
mp 126: DSCN0766
mp 126: DSCN0223
mp 126: DSC04270
mp 126: MOW gone BAD !
mp 126: DSC07154
mp 126: Sometimes you have to resort to crude methods