pina.romano: Tramonto a Gradola
BP Chua: Child's Splash
BikBik: The Wait
V i n c e n z o: Magna Magna
Photomaginarium: abstracted birds.
Michael Rawle: Feeding Time
Enzù: 'o post' 'o sol'__Un posto al sole__A place under the sun
izsofast: Duet under the rain
Pete Shacky: Cassino Cartiera
Dario Fargnoli: Villa Comunale (Cassino FR)
emmegi_mig: fbIMG_8670
Massimo Margagnoni: Greenland sea
Bea ♡: Il centro del mondo
Freelance Photography by NIKO: Growing Up So Fast!
TheaRomitiphotos: luz da manhã
Lochaven: Hey,Watch Out !
Thor9400: Winter morning
.Nat!: Freedom
Comtesse DeSpair: Graceland Cemetery
My Lens and Me: the birds
Ian@NZFlickr: Flood gate
LeftEar°: #Flickr12Days
ruthiedee: Toby~
Lucia de Marco: La banalità della Gioia