Viola30: Scorci bagnati.
Diego Mola: North West 200 2013
Borty2010: Tubes
Borty2010: Smiling
Jon Downs: right tracks
louieliuva: Always there
Uccio81 α: Pioverà??
Borty2010: invia
Eric.....: Into the darkness
Timoleon Vieta II: nowhere place
Arianna_M: How to make a long distance
Borty2010: DSC_6850-2
100% made in Friuli: Forcatrici dell'anno 2012
Graham Stirling: Skateraw Mono 303
PamINSeattle: Cashmere mist.
albertomd1: DICHOTOMY
simon.anderson: Facing The Elements
Parker_84: Incoming tide.
Parker_84: Snowy Road
3Q STUDIO: ....
Uccio81 α: Run Baby Run
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 中港路夜拍車軌 DSC_5796
Ger208k: The first faint noise of gently moving water