Marine Explorer:
Octopus wants my gauge for his garden #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Uncropped - Grey nurse shark - Carcharias taurus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Eastern blue devil - Paraplesiops bleekeri #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Damn flies! (fries?) Eastern frogfish in a cloud of fry - Batrachomoeus dubius
Dog cooling off
Marine Explorer:
Curious brown blenny - Petroscirtes lupus
Marine Explorer:
Super cuttle!!! - Sepia mestus
Night Diving
Marine Explorer:
Gotcha! Red cuttle hunting - Sepia mestus
Marine Explorer:
Flashing neon; wonderful giant cuttle display - Sepia apama
Marine Explorer:
Eastern blue groper - Achoerodus viridis
Box Fish
Leather Jacket
richard ling:
Groper & Diver
Marine Explorer:
Splendid nudibranch - Goniobranchus splendidus
Marine Explorer:
Weedy seadragon - Phyllopteryx taenoilatus
Kinho Pizzato:
Riding the tram
Girolamo Cracchiolo Photographies:
Un matin d'été {EXPLORED}
richard ling:
Weedy Seadragon
richard ling:
Eastern Blue Groper