Bandow Collection: Zeppelin Airship LZ 18, 1913
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora (Lisboa, Portugal)
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Exposição Rio de Janeiro, 1965
asarstudios: Newsboy holding The Washington Times_colorSAI_result
stefangruber82: Panorama von der Bleispitze
Panoramyx: Vista 360º (y pico) del Claustro de la Seu Vella, Lleida (E)
Wolfgang Wiggers: San Emanuel River Fall Works III
-ytf-: Hangars
davoson: Fixer Upper!
! / dino olivieri /: like an eagle / come un'aquila
VenusTraum: auf der Burg
VenusTraum: Lichterfest am Edersee
clmentiner: 14964648147_1486ac5d96_z
Shahrokh Dabiri: You need Red / Cyan glasses : Boy-1_Anaglyph 3D
Russ Beinder: 3D Camera
Damon Tighe: Old Baldy Lighthouse in fog
Lisa Bettany {Mostly Lisa}: San Francisco Rainbow over the Bay Bridge
sharper3d: Allan Silliphant's new compact 3D rig for Canon 5D mark2 & 5D mark3 adjusts spacing from 3 4.5 in. Closer shots use an interchangable single split lens on left camera.See BEST by cross-viewing in 3D
fossilmike: Rehearsal of J&H Dance School Annual Recital, Stafford Centre, Stafford, Texas 2015.12.20
The Library of Congress: Happy 8th Birthday, Flickr Commons ! 6 days to go (LOC)
fossilmike: Rehearsal of J&H Dance School Annual Recital, Stafford Centre, Stafford, Texas 2015.12.20
National Library of Norway: [Tekniske prøver] [autochrome]
Photo_History: Box for Autochrome Lumiére Plates with 1913 Expiration Date
huanjo: Autochrome, early 1900's (restored)
heritagefutures: Lumière & Jougla Paris, Ecron Circulaire pour plaques autochromes nº 4 Ø45mm nº 3
Alfie | Japanorama: Little Kimono People; Tachiaigawa, Japan
Nesster: Kalogen and the Struss Pictorial Lens - Goerz Lenses and Cameras - A $10 Foto-distance Meter - Lumiere Autochrome Plates - 1921