Niall Corbet: River Brann, The Hermitage, Dunkeld
antonsrkn: Rock Skipper
WildImages: 05830-02915 Black-backed Jackal with Dove feathers hanging from mouth indicating successful catch
Jim_Higham: Great Tit
Éderson Silva: Está olhando o quê?
Chase Images: Perch Lake Fla.
graemej: Thayer's Gull (Juvenile)
hvhe1: Victoria Crown Pigeon
mkoutna: Všade modré nebo
Manon van der Lit: Annoyed elephant...
Lyndon Firman: Go away!!!
laurentrouas: Wild dogs vs spotted hyaena
StarfireRayne: Snake in the Grass
WildImages: Backlit Springbok coming to water at sundown 110_1045_RJ
WildImages: Burchell's Zebra jockey for an advantage in a dominance fight
Caroline Castendijk: Are you gonna chase her or shall I ?
Makgobokgobo: Come Closer If You Dare
Backwards HAT: Iguana in HDR
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Beija-flor Tesoura (Eupetomena macroura) - Swallow-tailed-Hummingbird 25 10-06-07 123 - 9
Joschii: Sacred Ibis - Heiliger Ibis
James Marvin Phelps: Watching Over The Young
Picture Taker 2: Hanging On .
Lyndon Firman: Migration
Turambar: Boys Will Be Boys
Gaurav Bhatnagar: Robber Fly
bart coessens: Red Lechwe - Moremi GR - Botswana